Sunday, June 2, 2013

At the Flea Market

A couple weekends ago, I went to a flea market while visiting my niece's family.  (I realize the time delay.  I have become a very lazy blogger.)  

We discovered that a flea market is a GREAT place to take photos.  Nothing speaks to me like a bunch of "treasures." 

We saw the wall 'o license plates...

We discovered that we needed spiky, yellow, round things.  What we would do with them, I have NO idea, but we coveted them nonetheless.  

We discovered people still need wood rulers...

...and we discovered "art".

We found out how patriotic we can be...

...and how fun toy tables are.  

I was reminded to search through boxes of old stuff in the basement to look for pins...

...and that knowing how to merchandise your wares is a good thing.

Printers tiles are cool, no matter what.

But the ABSOLUTE BEST THING at the flea market that I did not purchase...

True Pulp Fiction.

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